Headshot of Rachel smiling

Rachel Uihlein, MA, LMFT

I’m a relationship expert committed to helping individuals and couples learn how to live their BIGGEST, boldest, most beautiful lives. I believe we all desire and deserve to be seen and understood; we long for authentic connection within ourselves and with others.  Regardless of life experiences, trauma, or circumstances, we hold within ourselves an untapped capacity for growth.


What Makes Me Different

  • Relatable and Real
  • Relational-focused
  • Customized Approach
  • Research-based
“Rachel empowered me to find greater depth and meaning in my relationships…through her relatable wisdom, I was able to ask for what I need and prioritize what matters most to me.”

-K.  Wauwatosa, WI

Ready to get started?

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation or first session.

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Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy

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