Start here.

And start becoming who you were meant to be.


Therapy for individuals, couples, and families.

Benefits of Therapy


Working together you can expect to

  • Feel better, by reducing problematic symptoms.
  • Get unstuck, with an objective, clarifying sounding board with an eye towards growth.
  • Experience connection, with improved relationships (both with yourself and others)
  • Gain insight, by understanding why you do what you do, you’ll be able to choose differently.

You Deserve

To Invest in Yourself


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Individual Therapy

Get unstuck or navigate life’s transitions.

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Couples Counseling

Break unhealthy habits and find emotional connection.

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Growth Groups

Change yourself with help from a supportive community.




I’m a relationship expert committed to helping individuals and couples learn how to live their BIGGEST, boldest, most beautiful lives. I believe we all desire and deserve to be seen and understood; we long for authentic connection within ourselves and with others.  Regardless of life experiences, trauma, or circumstances, we hold within ourselves an untapped capacity for growth

Headshot of Rachel smiling

Ready to get started?

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation or first session.

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Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy

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